In the celebration of the Eucharist, bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and the instrumentality of the priest. The whole Christ is truly present -- body, blood, soul, and divinity -- under the appearances of bread and wine, the glorified Christ who rose from the dead. This is what the Church means when she speaks of the "Real Presence" of Christ in the Eucharist (USCCB, 2024).

Preparations for First Holy Communion

Preparations for first holy communion for children under age 10 are done through the “Living Liturgically” program ran by our religious education director, Charlotte Dickey.

For more information, contact Charlotte Dickey at 850-303-1200 or via e-mail

Children Over 10 Years old

Children older than 10-11 years old (approximately 5th grade and above) receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and first communion all at once, similar to the process for adults. For more information or to register your child, contact Dot Wagner at

Adults Receiving First Holy Communion

Adults receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and first communion at the same time after completing an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. Contact the parish office at 850-763-1821 or via email at for more information.